

It is a sparkling sake using edamame, a specialty of Komae City.It was jointly developed by a local liquor store and a farmer in the city.The name “Komae-ru” was given by sending ale to Komae.

Product Information

Producer Kagoya (Akimoto Shoten)
Price 310ml 475 yen (tax included)


Name of the store Address Telephone number
Kagoya (Akimoto Shoten) Komaimachi 3-34-3 03-3480-8931
Kulkas Motoizumi 1-2-1 03-3489-0267
Matsuzakaya Liquor Store Nakaizumi 5-6-20 03-3489-1117
Ameya Liquor Store Nishinogawa 1-16-8 03-3489-2870
Tominaga Liquor Store Nishinogawa 4-5-15 03-3489-0243
Yamatoya Liquor Store Higashi-Izumi 1-32-12 03-3489-3084
Torimasa Higashi-Izumi 2-2-1 03-3489-1115
Tsukesoba Kuroku Higashi-Izumi 3-7-9 03-3480-5877
Hanamizuki Iwado Kita 4-17-19 03-3480-2687
Tanoshi Iwado Kita 1-14-2 03-3489-6455
Shunka Nakaizumi 1-2-13 03-3480-8919



  1. 布巻ハム

    Funomaki ham

  2. サブレー万頭こまえ

    Sabrae, man-headed.

  3. うずまきちゃん


  4. えだまめ羊羹

    Edamame Yokan

  5. 狛江史跡銘菓 万葉最中

    Komae Historic Site Famous Confectionery Manyo in the middle

  6. 狛江の野菜

    Komae Vegetables