Komae Historic Site Famous Confectionery Manyo in the middle

Zhejiang Historic Site Famous Confectionery Manyo in the middle

It is in the middle of the motif of the historical site “Manyo Uta monument” of Komae.The combination of boiled high-quality Dainagon and fragrant Kanazawa skin creates an exquisite texture.

Product Information

Producer Komae Jiu-do
Price 162 yen per piece (tax included)


Name of the store Address Telephone number
Komae Yugetsudo (Head Office) Nakaizumi 4-24-7 03-3480-3431
Komae Yugetsudo (City Hall front store) Nakaizumi 1-2-10 03-3480-3880


  1. こまえ~る


  2. 布巻ハム

    Funomaki ham

  3. サブレー万頭こまえ

    Sabrae, man-headed.

  4. Komae Jomon Madeleine

  5. うずまきちゃん


  6. よもぎかすていら

    Yomogi castella