June Komae Civic Day in Giants Stadium

Zhejiang Civic Day in Giants Stadium

As a collaboration project with the Yomiuri Giants, the Eastern League game held at Yomiuri Giants Stadium will be held as Komae Citizen’s Day, and various projects will be held with the Giants for elementary and junior high school students living in the city.We believe that this project will increase interest in sports and enhance health and athletic ability by making children feel close to their longing professional athletes.


Part 1 Eat

In the stadium, business operators in Komae City will open stores, sell products recommended by the Tourism Association, and at the Jabbit lottery on the day, the tourist association recommended products will be given as gifts.

Part 2 See

In addition to watching the official Eastern League games, the citizens-only plan offers a plan full of excitement and fun, such as sitting on a bench before a game, watching professional practice up close, and visiting the indoor practice area.

Part 3 Play

As a pre-game plan, children are selected by lottery from among the elementary and junior high school students of Komae citizens to participate in the baseball classroom, also stand on the ground with the players just before the commemorative photo and the game with the player, participation in the opening ball ceremony and on-your-you-marks, etc. We have prepared a plan that can be enjoyed by parents and children.

On the day, characters from Komae City also participated, and the city’s PR, etc. are also conducted, so you can interact with each other.


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