November Komae Citizens Festival

Zhejiang Citizens' Festival

The Komae Citizens’ Festival began on November 23rd of the year, when the first Komae Citizens’ Festival was held to commemorate the completion of the Citizens’ Center in 1977.
Today, it is the largest festival in Komae City, with parades, drums, mikoshi, sprouts, folk dance dances, street live performances, dance corners, and play squares, mainly at the Commerce and Industry Festival, Agricultural Festival, Cultural Festival, Sports Festival, and Citizen’s Festival.


Part 1 Eat

In addition to opening stores by civic organizations, there are a variety of shops, such as delicious shops and fun shops, such as the hometown friendly city of Nagaoka City Kawaguchi area in Niigata Prefecture and the product sales of Kosuge village in Yamanashi Prefecture, a friendly city for residents. 

Part 2 See

On the small stage, events such as character shows, performances by civic groups, and lotteries will be held.On the day of the show, the road will be closed to traffic, and parades, taiko, mikoshi, and folk song dances will be held.In addition to setting up a firefighting plaza on Honmachi Street, a dance corner and street live performances will be held.

Part 3 Play

At the Citizens’ Grand Venue, we offer events that you can easily participate in, such as the Fuafua Dome and Kick Target.


  1. December: The lighting ceremony of the illumination of the illumination of the citizens in front of Komae City Hall

  2. 狛江フェスティバル

    August Komae Festival

  3. こまえ初春まつり

    January Komae Hatsuharu Festival

  4. 郷土芸能フェスティバル

    December Local Performing Arts Festival

  5. こまえ桜まつり

    April Komae Cherry Blossom Festival

  6. June Komae Civic Day in Giants Stadium